Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Love letter

Dear my future wife,

I don't know who u are, where u are, how u look like and what u are doing right now, although I am very eager to know. I hope u are doing well with yourself.

As for now, u are still under responsible of ur father and ur mother, I hope u always try hard to make them proud having a daughter like u. Keep them happy and pleased them, pour them with ur lovely cute smile that u always have since the day u were born. Refer them whenever u have even slightest confusion in ur life. I'm sure they will always be there for u. They are ur main focus as for now.

I will never doubt with ur `keturunan` as I know u will come from nicest people. Ur `harta` is not the one that I want because I will do my best to build up our own even though it may not be as good as what u are having now. Ur `kecantikan` will always be a bonus for me and I'm sure I will be the only one see ur `kecantikan` even other people don't, not only physically, but all of the factor that built up to it such as your personality. All that I ever wanted is for u to build up ur `agama`. I may not be good in my `agama` also, but if u do, Subhanallah, that is the biggest wedding gift from u that I can get.

My future wife,
When the time come, u will be under my full responsibility. I may not be the best person in this world. I am not the smartest of all humankind, not the toughest masculine person, not even macho or handsome in any possible way. I do have `black past` which I am highly hope it can be forgiven. I may be the most annoying person alive, hardest to understand and not an easy going person, all I ever wonder if u can accept me as a humble servant who always try to become a better person.

For u, I am preparing myself to be the best. The one u can rely on, the one who can protect u, the only shoulder u ever needed, the one who have all the answers beside our Creator, Al-Quran and Hadith. I want to be the one that can bring smile every second in ur life, the one take care of u when u at the lowest point in your life, the one who are there beside u at every emotional feeling u are having weather it is happy or sad. But for a small favour, remember, I will always have my mom who will always be my top priority after The Creator and Muhammad (pbuh).

Until that time come,
Please take good care of yourself. Whenever u go out, please dress properly, if u ever wonder u dress proper enough, ask yourself, would u perform solah in that outfit. I am not asking u to wear jubah, dress or baju kurung all the time, even some jubah are not suitable to perform solah and I am sure u know it better than me. Even simple jeans and long sleeved shirt will do. I hope u get what i mean. All I ever wanted is for u to appreciate yourself like no one else. I hope I am not asking too much from u.

U don't have to blame yourself if u ever had `black past`. All that matter are our future being together, going and moving forward together, keep reminding to each other and being blessed by completing one of highest sunnah, being a married believers. Don't let that `black past` prevent us to be together earlier.

Lets learn more together, get blessed life together, stay young together, and always be together.

Looking forward to know u. :)

Your future husband.

Hambek kau, baek punya fefeeling.


Didiey Fadhilah. said...

pehhhh boleh tahan ;)

undrgnd said...

mane tau kot2 si dia bace.hahaha

Didiey Fadhilah. said...

Inspired jugak nak buat Dear Future Husband ni. Haha!