Monday, November 26, 2012

isi masa

memerah idea melukis smbil melayan utube dan sementara itu juga membetolkn blk keadaan lptop yg agk lma tidak digunakan dgn sebaiknya.

merajok agknye lptop ni..bknnye ak xnk gne, tp xde kperluan utk gnakan dia. ckopla skdr gnakan lptop yg lbih kompak ni.

until this time now, i`m still trying to find somethin to cover up my precious time which in before i always spend it for another purpose. and now, i`m not actually open up my daily time for the same purpose anymore (although i know i wanted to), there come many things to be done.

is this what i want actually??

come on heart!

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